My Resolutions for 2022

This year started off quite rocky for me and my family. Getting hit with Covid on the first day of the new year is just not what I had in mind when I was listing my resolutions for 2022. Not sure that is what ANYONE had on their list of new years resolutions. But in these past two weeks, I’ve really been able to reevaluate these resolutions and focus on what really matters to me.

I mentioned in my last post about How to Manifest for the 2022 of Your Dreams, and I plan on following those steps to get to where I want to go this year. I thought I’d share just a few of my resolutions with you!

  1. Find a new therapist – My mental health is important to me. It is what allows me to be the best version of myself for those I love and for those who count on me. It has been challenging finding a new therapist out here in Baton Rouge that I connect with and feel comfortable with. I have been specifically looking for a woman of color and if I want to get even more specific (as I mentioned in my previous post), someone who is Latina. I put it off last year and feel that it truly impacted my life in 2021. I want to be more aggressive about my search!
  2. Schedule date nights – If it ain’t on the calendar, it ain’t gonna happen. Just talking to my husband about dates doesn’t seem to cut it. Between work, our baby, and events (or rest) in between… we didn’t spend enough 1-on-1 quality time outside of our home. I mean, sure… cuddling on the sofa after the baby goes to sleep is one thing. But I want to date my husband again. I want us to get back to the butterflies. Our honeymoon reminded us of the importance of looking forward to that 1-on-1 time outside of our home. And I know that if we plan for it, we will FIND the time for it and make it happen!
  3. Read more books – Okay… this is one that I recently added. Mainly because during my time in quarantine, I’ve watched nearly every episode of every show there is on Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime combined. Enough. It got to the point where I was so over searching for something new that I just turned off the television and picked up the last book I hadn’t finished. Y’all… I started that book 10 months ago. Besides, I have a book that I’ve preordered that I am SO READY for! I’m currently reading What Would Frida Do by Arianna Davis!
  4. Be intentional about friendships – This one resolution has so many layers! For one, the friendships I have that are truly worth keeping, I want to be more intentional about showing up and checking in. I don’t think I did enough of that last year. I was so caught up in being a new mom (which isn’t a bad thing) that I found myself not checking in on some of my closest girlfriends. Honestly, I blame HBO’s Insecure for this one. I’ve got great genuine friendships that I don’t want to lose! On top of that, I want to be more intentional about making friends here in Baton Rouge. I haven’t really tried. And I’m sure my husband is tired of hearing me complain about how “all the fun is in New Orleans” when he and I both know it’s fun because my friends are there. There’s nothing wrong with making friends here and finding the fun in where I live now.
  5. Save more money! – 2021 was the year of “take that, Covid!”… let me explain. In 2020, we were shut in. Restaurants closed. Concerts cancelled. Everyone stay inside!!!! Towards the end of 2020, more and more establishments were open for business. One of my resolutions for 2021 was to GET OUT! And by GET OUT, I really got out and spent a ton of money. I wanted everything to be grand! From Penelope’s first birthday to our inaugural Easter celebration… Weddings, reunions and honeymoons in bougie-ass Tulum (I still owe y’all that Tulum post!). Let’s just say, the budget wiggled more than I intended. This year, I want to be a little more strict on the budget so we can get back to saving for things that matter!
  6. Bake my heart out – So I have a personal Instagram account. My explore page on that account is FILLED with baking videos. I’m not embarrassed, haha! You’d think I was a professional baker with the amount of baking news spewed at me. I’m not, though. I do have this burning desire to WANT to create with food and sweets. It also doesn’t help that I am a sucker for desserts. Anywho, my husband bought me a KitchenAide mixer for Christmas and I have already started baking sugar cookies with the intention of perfecting royal icing. I may share updates throughout the year as I hold myself accountable to this new hobby of mine. I’ll save the photo I took of my very first batch (fully decorated) until the end of the year though. Definitely not instaworthy – haha!
  7. Exercise Regularly – Getting my body ready for the honeymoon was fun. I felt like I had a tangible goal. But once the honeymoon ended, we were hit with holiday after holiday after holiday and I was starting to feel SUPER sluggish. Once I’m back to feeling more myself after this quarantine, I plan on getting to a more consistent workout routine! It also helps that I’m giving a pre-workout a try to keep me motivated!
  8. PRINT PENELOPE’S FIRST YEAR PHOTOS – This is something that’s been haunting me for the last year and a half. I have thousands of photos on my phone of my baby girl that I have yet to print. I think it’s the selecting and organizing that gives me anxiety. Seriously… can I just hire someone to do this? Probably not! So one of these nights (let’s be real, SEVERAL NIGHTS) I need to just sit down and order prints. I hate that I’m so bad at this! Actually, I need to do better with just printing photos in general. Our walls are bare and need our smiling faces on them!
  9. Start dancing again – I used to dance Salsa. I mean, I still do but… I dont. I used to go to socials and I actually took professional salsa classes at one time. I was pretty good at it. I don’t know if I still am, I haven’t REALLY danced since I was single. I have it in me to want to take classes again and practice my craft! It’s even on my vision board to take classes as a couple with my husband! He’s always wanted to learn and I’m just not a very good teacher!
  10. Post consistently on the blog (and YouTube channel) – I think I’ve done pretty well as far as posting on this blog in the last year goes. While I didn’t post weekly like I had hoped, I did manage to share several times a month about different topics that meant a lot to me! I call that a win. I’d love to stick to a more consistent posting schedule of 2 (or 3) times a week! I’ve got lots of great posts coming up so I’m excited to share that with you all. It’s just a matter of keeping it up throughout the year! And YOUTUBE!!! I’m back to sharing 1 video a week. I know that’s what I can commit to, so I’m sticking to it! There will be a new YouTube video every Thursday so keep an eye out and if you haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you do that so you never miss a video!

I’ve got more resolutions but I like to keep some of those to myself. (The privacy is part of one of my resolutions I’ve made for 2022). I’m curious to know what some of your resolutions are. If you care to share, let me know in a comment below! Check in with me in the next couple of months to see how I’ve been doing with these resolutions I’ve shared with you. And don’t forget, if you want to know how to manifest your goals and resolutions, you can check out my recent blog post on tips to get that done in 2022!

Happy New Year!
Un Besito,

About The Author

Rocio Isabel