Declutter Your Home For Gatherings

Looking to declutter your home before guests arrive? Here are a few of my best decluttering techniques for any space to be ready for gatherings!

Tip #1 Make A Priority List

Don't overwhelm yourself by trying to do everything at once. Take things one task at a time.  List your tasks and focus on areas with most traffic during your gatherings.

Tip #2 Set A Timer

Work with the time you have rather than against it. Set a timer and complete as much of one task as you can. Then stop, take a break, and work on the next task!

Tip #3 Use Cleaners with Seasonal Scents

Set the mood of your gathering with a fragrance that matches the season or vibe. It will also keep you in the mood to clean!

Want more tips to get your home ready for gatherings?

Check out my blog post for the full list of tips to declutter!