Self Care Tips To Fight Winter Blues

Feeling down and blue around the Winter season? You actually aren't alone. Winter Blues is a real thing.  Here are just a few tips to beat winter sadness and moodiness.

Let In Some Daylight

Less sun and more grey will naturally effect your mood. Let in as much natural light as you can or consider a light box for light therapy.

Keep Your Body Active

A brisk walk or a full exercise routine will help release endorphins to help boost your mood.

Eat Healthier Meals

Up the proteins to feel fuller during meals and avoid snacking on junk food. Up the Vitamin D to help balance your mood.

See A Therapist

Seasonal depression is a real thing and a licensed professional can help see you through it!

I've got more tips to help you fight Winter Blues so that you're able to live a happier season!  Click the link below!