How To Manifest for the 2022 of Your Dreams

If you are like me, you may have already made promises to yourself in the form of resolutions. However, don’t fear if you happen to be feeling a little behind on this whole resolution thing. Remember, there is still time! You can manifest it! One thing I’ve done differently in the past years was truly manifesting my goals, dreams, and visions for that year. I intend to do the same with 2022! These past two weeks have reminded me that the law of attraction is still strong and mighty. I can still manifest the things I want to attract in life if I just start today! But first…


Manifesting is essentially bringing something tangible into your life through attraction and belief. All that according to Oprah… and we don’t question Oprah. I like to describe it as taking physical steps towards a change in life that you trust will already happen.

I’ve got a few ideas on how to manifest YOUR GOALS for 2022. I want you to attract the life you dream of! So take note, these are just 5 easy steps!

1. Identify your goals and jot them down!

It’s important to identify goals you want to achieve in this year that are within your control, and don’t be afraid to get specific! When you are truly clear about the things you want to attract in 2022, you will find it easier to say no to the things that could possibly take you from meeting these goals. When manifesting, make a list of your specific goals and think about how each goal (and the journey to get there) makes you feel. You may find that the more specific you get, the more your feelings may change towards elements to that goal.

2. Make your goals VISIBLE

Whether it’s a physical vision board, a new year board on Pinterest, affirmations on post-its… keep tangible representations of your goals to constantly remember what you are working towards in this year. Does looking at your goals on a daily overwhelm you? Consider “dissecting” your goal into micro tasks so you able to tackle what needs to get done a little at a time.

3. If you’re spiritual, Pray on it!

I always keep God at the focus of my manifesting. I remind myself that God gave me this life and also gave me free will to do what I want with it, through Him who strengthens me. After making my goals visible around me, I pray over them and thank God for blessing me already with these dreams and goals. I put all of my faith in Him and trust that He will help me get there!

4. Take Action

I’m sorry to tell you this but simply gluing magazine clippings onto a poster board and calling it a day won’t cut it. You have to actually put in the work. One of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books “The Circle Maker” by Mark Batterson is “If you don’t take the risk, you forfeit the miracle.” I try to keep this quote in mind when I think of the goals I’ve prayed on. Take action and take risks and trust that these blessings are for you! Nothing will just be given to you without your action. You have to work for it to see the reward.

5. Celebrate wins

No matter how small the achievement, celebrate it. Give praise and also celebrate yourself for getting there! If you are finding it hard to reach these goals, even if broken down into micro goals… pause. Take a moment to reflect on the steps you’ve taken to get as far as you’ve come and what needs to happen to progress. You may need to pivot or readjust your goals to align more with your place in life, and that’s okay. Give yourself grace! These goals are not written in stone!

I hope these tips helped and that you’re ready to manifest your goals in 2022! I’ll be sharing my own personal goals and resolutions that I will be manifesting this year. Keep an eye out for that post!

Un Besito,


About The Author

Rocio Isabel


  1. My Resolutions for 2022 - Rocio Isabel | 12th Jan 22

    […] mentioned in my last post about How to Manifest for the 2022 of Your Dreams, and I plan on following those steps to get to where I want to go this year. I thought I’d […]

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